If you have a friend of family member who would like a visit to receive Communion in the home, please give the names of those to Sr Colleen. If you are a volunteer providing Communion in the Home Visits, please provide details of your visits to Sr. Collen on 0439 483 426 or [email protected] so she can complete a list.
Your financial contribution is greatly appreciated to support the work of the parish. Bank account details for electronic transfers are provided below. If you would prefer to set up a direct debit payment, this can be arranged.
First Collection
The money contributed to the first collection, along with Easter and Christmas dues, is banked into the Central Presbytery Fund. This money is used to pay Priests stipend and living expenses, with contributions being made to the Archbishop, Vicar General and retired priests.
Contributions for the first collection can be made to:
Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Central Presbytery Fund
BSB No: 062-786
Account No: 000029248
Reference: Suburb, Surname. (e.g. Charnwood, Jones.) This will ensure it is recorded and receipted accurately.
Second Collection
All money contributed to the second collection is banked into the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish account, and is used for the running expenses of the parish such as; stationary, maintenance, building repairs, secretary wage, priest vehicle.
Contributions for the first collection can be made to:
Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: St Thomas Aquinas Parish Charnwood
BSB: No: 062-786
Account No: 14877
Reference: Surname_Envelope number
If you have a friend of family member who would like a visit to receive Communion in the home, please give the names of those to Sr Colleen. If you are a volunteer providing Communion in the Home Visits, please provide details of your visits to Sr. Collen on 0439 483 426 or [email protected] so she can complete a list.
Your financial contribution is greatly appreciated to support the work of the parish. Bank account details for electronic transfers are provided below. If you would prefer to set up a direct debit payment, this can be arranged.
First Collection
The money contributed to the first collection, along with Easter and Christmas dues, is banked into the Central Presbytery Fund. This money is used to pay Priests stipend and living expenses, with contributions being made to the Archbishop, Vicar General and retired priests.
Contributions for the first collection can be made to:
Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Central Presbytery Fund
BSB No: 062-786
Account No: 000029248
Reference: Suburb, Surname. (e.g. Charnwood, Jones.) This will ensure it is recorded and receipted accurately.
Second Collection
All money contributed to the second collection is banked into the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish account, and is used for the running expenses of the parish such as; stationary, maintenance, building repairs, secretary wage, priest vehicle.
Contributions for the first collection can be made to:
Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: St Thomas Aquinas Parish Charnwood
BSB: No: 062-786
Account No: 14877
Reference: Surname_Envelope number